Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Regardless my heart, I'd rather be breathless.

Sitting here in a camouflage-green skirt and delicate purple top, bright red reading glasses and tousled hair, I realize that this is yet another day in the summer that I have done nothing except commit several fashion faux pas 's. Plus, I'm tired of myself.
Yes, I said it.
I'm that frustrated. I've been living on a steady diet of water and microwaved foods and I can't stop wondering about where my life is going. I mean, I'm supposed to be on my second New York bestselling novel by now, while living off the successes of my first novel. Plus I've never felt so....placeless.
I've decided its time for a change. Or at least an effort towards change. Instead of just saying I'm going to do stuff, I'll actually do it.
Starting with getting started on that bestselling novel. So that's all for now. Gotta get to writing. Peace out.
p.s. Oh, the title of this post is actually a misreading, or rather, a mishearing of the lyrics from Amy Winehouse's song "Wake Up Alone". I had always thought it was "Regardless my heart, I'd rather be breathless," but it turns out that it's actually "If I was my heart, I'd rather be restless" ...which isn't nearly as interesting.

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